Call 1-888-747-3331

Hard Drive Shredding

Our equipment destroys your material so it is no longer readable or able to be pieced together, and meets state agency and federal compliance regulations.

Legislation in the United States makes it mandatory for all business owners to dispose of all important data which may include personal or vital information. Our secure shredding process meets state agency and federal compliancy regulations.

Our Hard Drive destruction process is easy and secure.

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Hard Drives are Picked-Up

We pick up your items and securely destroy them at our facility. This means all the loud crushing and grinding sounds happen at our shop, not yours. Your employees’ work will not be interrupted, and they won’t be assaulted with noise pollution.
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We Scan Each Drive

If requested, each hard drive and SSD is scanned prior to shredding, so you have authoritative records with individual drive identification.
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Certificate of Destruction

Receive a certificate of destruction, specifying the destruction date each time we shred your material.

You can be sure your data is destroyed.

Your data is really destroyed, let Southland put your mind at ease. Nothing is left readable after this equipment gets hold of it. Plus, all shredded material is recycled. We all must do our part to preserve and protect our enviroment.

What else can we shred?

Our shred truck is not picky. It will shred:

  • Hard Drives
  • Server Drives
  • SSDs (Solid-State Hard Drives)
  • USB Thumb Drives
  • Flash Memory Cards
  • Cell Phones
  • Circuit Boards
  • Remote Controls
  • Pocket Calculators
  • Memory Modules (RAM)
  • Floppy Disks
  • Floppy Drives
    … and many other forms of e-Waste
Hard drives and other various eWaste
A large pile of old landlines and cellphones

Other services you might be interested in...

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Regular document destruction on your predetermined schedule. Shredding takes place on-site at your location. We offer locking collection containers, truck-mounted video monitors so you can watch your documents being shred, and a certificate of destruction.
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Off-site plastic and cloth shredding including credit cards, access cards, pill containers, clothes, shoes and more. Our equipment destroys your plastic material so magnetic stripes and labels are no longer readable or able to be pieced together, and meets state agency and federal compliancy regulations.
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Drop-Off Shredding

If you only have a few files or boxes, take advantage of the convenience of dropping off your material at our Ontario headquarters for destruction.
*More than 20 boxes? Please call to schedule an appointment

Business Hours
Monday – Thursday 9:00 – 4:00
Friday 9:00 – 3:00

1131 North Hellman Ave.
Ontario, California 91764

Southland Shredding is NAID AAA Certified

i-SIGMA is the standards-setting body for the information destruction industry. NAID AAA Certification verifies the qualifications of certified information destruction providers through a comprehensive scheduled and unannounced audit program.

Service is the Difference

Contact us to book your secure document and product destruction

Request A Shredding Quote