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Residential Shredding Services

We Provide Residential Document Shredding With Minimal Preparation, On-Site When You Need It.

With one call to Southland Shredding, you can receive a quote and schedule your residential document destruction appointment for any date you prefer from Monday through Friday. Our dedicated team is here to provide you with a convenient and reliable shredding service tailored to residential needs.


Why choose scheduled document shredding?​

Hiring Southland Shredding as your professional shredding partner means you will enjoy these efficient highlights:

• Shredding sensitive documents helps protect you from identity theft
• Saves room
• Efficient and convenient
• Peace of mind
• Residential shredding contributes to environmental sustainability

Here’s How Our Residential Shredding Service Works:


Quote and Scheduling

When you contact Southland Shredding , our friendly customer service representatives will provide you with a quote based on your specific shredding requirements. They will assist you in scheduling an appointment for a date that suits your convenience.


On-Site Shredding

On the scheduled date, our shredding professionals will arrive at your residential location with our specialized shredding truck. The shredding process takes place right at your doorstep, ensuring maximum security and convenience.


Secure Shredding

You will have the opportunity to witness the shredding process via video monitors mounted on our shredding truck. This allows you to ensure the secure destruction of your confidential documents.


Certificate of Destruction

Once the shredding is completed, Southland Shredding Company will provide you with a Certificate of Destruction. This certificate serves as proof that your documents have been securely and irreversibly destroyed, ensuring your peace of mind.

What Documents Should I Shred?

Individuals should shred any of the following items they no longer need:

  • Financial documents-bank statements
  • Cancelled or unused checks, tax returns
  • Insurance forms and records
  • Legal documents-wills, contracts
  • Medical records
  • Credit card documents-receipts, statements, offers
  • Junk mail with your name and address
  • Deceased family member records
  • Customer lists and personal information
  • Company sensitive information-management reports and strategies, human resource data, price lists, bids and proposals, marketing information
  • Government classified information
  • Any confidential information you do not want in the hands of the wrong people

By leveraging residential shredding services, you can protect your personal information, maintain legal compliance, and enjoy the convenience and peace of mind that comes with securely disposing of sensitive documents.

Recycling icon

Southland Shredding thinks green, and we recycle 100% of the materials we shred.

All shredded material is sent out for recycling, and is eventually used to make many kinds of paper products, contributing to environmental preservation. Recycling all shredded material means fewer trees are destroyed, and landfills are not needlessly being filled with recyclable paper.

Other services You Might Be Interested In...

Calender icon
Regular document destruction on your predetermined schedule. Shredding takes place on-site at your location. We offer locking collection containers, truck-mounted video monitors so you can watch your documents being shred, and a certificate of destruction.
Box icon
Document shredding with minimal preparation, on-site or off-site when you need it. Ideal solution for office clean-outs. Minimal preparation – leave your documents in your container, file cabinet or file boxes. We will place your material into our 64-gallon bins and shred it right there where you can watch it on the shredding-truck-mounted video monitors
Dolly icon

Drop-Off Shredding

If you only have a few files or boxes, take advantage of the convenience of dropping off your material at our Ontario headquarters for destruction.
*More than 20 boxes? Please call to schedule an appointment

Business Hours
Monday – Thursday 9:00 – 4:00
Friday 9:00 – 3:00

1131 North Hellman Ave.
Ontario, California 91764

Southland Shredding is NAID AAA Certified

i-SIGMA is the standards-setting body for the information destruction industry. NAID AAA Certification verifies the qualifications of certified information destruction providers through a comprehensive scheduled and unannounced audit program.

Service is the Difference

Contact us to book your secure document and product destruction

Request A Shredding Quote